Sunday, November 9, 2008
"Mom, I don't ever remember you using this one, and it still has stuff in it!"
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tagged by My Mother
I am ... excited to do my art homework.
I know ... how to make chocolate chip cookies (I have the recipe memorized!).
I want ... the term to finally be over.
I have ... a new sister, Leah.
I wish ... high school would get easier.
I hate ... when people are mean to be funny or just plain mean.
I miss ... my family in California.
I fear ... murderers, kidnappers, and spiders.
I feel ... thoughtful.
I hear ... my brother trying to beat box and happy screams from the basement. (no offence Matthew).
I smell ... butterscotch pudding.
I crave ... an ice cream sundae and short bread.
I search ... my head for answers to these.
I wonder ... what to get Abby for her birthday.
I regret ... procrastinating my work.
I love ... Leah and my family.
I care ... about blogging now.
I always ... want to hold Leah.
I am going ... to California for Christmas!
I believe ... in miracles.
Now I tag Melissa.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
So Why Does Sam Think Knives Are Funny?
Because we tickle him with them! (just kidding)

Sam loves knives. Don't ask me why, I don't know why. Whenever we leave the dishwasher open, knives are the first thing he grabs out of it. Also, he doesn't just grab the little butter knives, he grabs the big sharp and pointy ones. One day while I was sitting at the table doing homework I here Abby yell, "Oh No! Sam!" I looked at Sam who had found the biggest and sharpest knives in the open dishwasher. Then Sam started walking towards Abby, with the knives pointed strait at her so he can give them to her. Abby started gasping and making terrified noises while she backed away from Sam. Now what did Sam do when he saw this? He starts laughing! Abby kept backing up and gasping, and Sam thought that was pretty funny, so he started to chase her with them. As soon as we recovered from the shock, we confiscated the knives, and the dishwasher was shut and securely locked (well, as securely as you can lock a dishwasher).
Monday, October 13, 2008
Serenity is a Teal Sailboat

by: Anna
A cyan sailboat with stillness glides.
Floating with hardly even a breath,
Peacefully it rides.
The vessel, or the catamaran,
Encompassed in well worn green trim,
Delicately layered wood in teal,
Emits a tranquil charm.
Lush green conifers’ stand tall,
Stand proud against the bright blue sky.
Silently, placidly, the sailboat passes,
With only one passenger to carry.
An artist, paints this vista,
In smeared bold strokes of a brush,
He captures an emotion with beauty,
Seals it in time like an empty hourglass.
Fish play near the surface
Brown, blending, lazy,
Seem to disappear and camouflage,
Into the deep blue water.
Water that seems to rest,
Sparkles under the sunlight,
Sunlight that shimmers,
Dances across the surface without plunging.
The sailing craft does not stray,
But seems to dally, and stay,
Just a little longer in this place,
This place of calmness.
The peace that won’t be broken,
Except for the cry of a lone eagle,
Fills us up till’ we’ve been refreshed enough,
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Made You Look!
Don't worry mom, :) I'll post something new over the weekend. I kind-of want to start posting again, so be of good cheer!