Because we tickle him with them! (just kidding)

Sam loves knives. Don't ask me why, I don't know why. Whenever we leave the dishwasher open, knives are the first thing he grabs out of it. Also, he doesn't just grab the little butter knives, he grabs the big sharp and pointy ones. One day while I was sitting at the table doing homework I here Abby yell, "Oh No! Sam!" I looked at Sam who had found the biggest and sharpest knives in the open dishwasher. Then Sam started walking towards Abby, with the knives pointed strait at her so he can give them to her. Abby started gasping and making terrified noises while she backed away from Sam. Now what did Sam do when he saw this? He starts laughing! Abby kept backing up and gasping, and Sam thought that was pretty funny, so he started to chase her with them. As soon as we recovered from the shock, we confiscated the knives, and the dishwasher was shut and securely locked (well, as securely as you can lock a dishwasher).
It's always funny if you can get someone to run from you. This kid is the reason I have so much more grey hair than I did before he was born ;-)
The scary thing about that picture of Abby is not just the knife, but the way the lighting is! It makes her look posessed!
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