Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Room

Four weeks ago I decided I wanted to completely clean my room. The only problem was that I did not have enough time to do it. I did it anyway. I got started and pulled everything out of my closet, dresser, desk, etc. Then I started puting it in boxes. My plan was to put everything in boxes, and then I would go through all of it and put it away again. That is not exactly what happened. On the day that I decided to do this, my dad had an open house and needed me to stand by our directional signs so they wouldn't get taken away. Because of this I wasn't able to finish my room, and there was clutter all over my floor and bed. I just decided I would sleep with Sarah and Abby, and clean my room the next weekend (a week long weekend). The next weekend I got home from school with one goal; to clean my room. However, my mom and dad had different plans. Ta da!!!! Suprise trip to California! There goes my room, that's O.K., I figured I'd just finish it when I got home from California. I got to California and then remembered that I had a book report due the day after my last day of vacation, so I had to call some friends to find out what I had to do for the book report, and then work on it while I was in California. When I got home from California I still had to finish my book report. There goes my last day of break, and my room-cleaning day. That was O.K. by me, I figured I would clean it the next weekend. Now, my mom did not know that my room was so messy, because whenever she passes my room, the door is always closed and she doesn't bother to open the door and look inside (because Anna's room is always clean). Then one day I forgot to shut my door. As my mom did her daily tour of the house, she saw my room for the first time in about a month. As you can imagine, she was mortified (because Anna's room is always clean). When I got home I got my lecture and promised I would clean my room that weekend (I also had to explain where I had been sleeping for the past 3 weeks). It took the whole day to clean my room, even with my moms help! I had about 11 boxes of crap, and gave away more than half of it. My room is now very clean, and not filled with crap anymore.


mamasuisse said...

Anna, you inherited the packrat gene, so I am very proud of you for letting go of so much of your stuff.

The final count was 3 boxes of trash, 3 boxes of giveaway, and 2 boxes of clothes that are too small so we'll save them for Sarah.

Your post just reminded me of something I can write about in my next post - garbanzo beans . . .

Liz said...

I want to see pictures of your immaculate room. That's what I need to do to one of my upstairs bedrooms. It's the room that collects everything that doesn't have a place in my home yet. I've been here six months, and some of the boxes in that room still haven't been unpacked (most of it's probably trash too).

mamasuisse said...

Liz, I've been in my house for 6 1/2 years and still have one box that has not been unpacked. I keep it in the planter box at the top of the stairs, so I won't forget to unpack it someday.

Sarah said...

Thank you for all the clothes you gave me. I love them. I'll try to put holes in the knees.